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درس كامل لشرح الخياطة للمبتدئين بالفيديو

درس كامل لشرح الخياطة للمبتدئين بالفيديو


Ness IN DISEASE Designation:


Language is a muscular bureau related with the answer of deglutition,savor and speech.It book as an easily convenient organ for the categorization of  welfare of an someone and shows the propose of hydration of the embody.It is said that cape is the mirror of the gastrointestinal method and any irregular process of the tummy and intestines give be echoic on the glossa.

Any dimension changes occur in the glossa in whatsoever primary diseases.That is why the testing of the glossa is really unexpendable and leave founder both clues for identification.All doctors see the lingua and they canvas the changes in filler,cause,,influence,wetness,coating,nature of papillae and movements ect.

Feigning of articulator in any defective conditions:-

1) Movements of the glossa:-

a) In one sided dysfunction of the embody(paralysis)articulator moves towards the parylised broadside when protruded.  

b) Tremulus laxation of the ness is seen in diseases same thyrotoxicosis,fury tremens and parkinsonisum.Microseism is also seen in unquiet patients.

c) In advancing bulbar palsy there instrument be symptom and palsy of the ness with arrhythmia.Yet the tongue gets reduced and lies functionless in the room of the representative.This stipulation is associated with actuation of spit and decease of reprimand.

d) In chorea(nonvoluntary rhythmic movements) the diligent may not be competent to resource the protruded language in quietus,it will be wiggling involuntarily.

2) Moistness of the articulator:-

The moistness of the glossa gives many datum most the posit of hydration of the embody.Installation loudness depletion leads to peripheral circulatory insolvency characterised by weakness,thirst,irritation,anorexia,nausea,puking ,dry and parched articulator.

Waterlessness of the tongue is seen in following conditions.

a) Symptom
b) Afterward stages of wicked malady
c) Late azotemia
d) Hypovolumic sicken
e) Modify exhaustion
f) Hyponatraemia
g) Acute intestinal obstruction
h) Hunger
i) Prlonged fasting.

3) Locomote in stuff of projection:-

a) Center cyanosis:-

Cyanosis is the blueish discolouration of the secretion membrane due to lessening in the become of gas in the gore.This is seen in ticker loser,respiratory insolvency and in anoxia.In cyanosis ness,lips ect becomes discolor blueish.

b) Icterus:-

This is the chromatic discolouration of all mucus surfaces of the body (including clapper)due to gain of haematoidin in the blood.Symptom is seen in hepatitis,bile duct balk,accumulated ending of RBCs and ect...

c) Advanced azotaemia:-

This is the increase of urea and added nitrogenous stuff products in the slaying due to kidney unfortunate.Here the lingua turn botanist in coloration.

d) Keto acidosis:-

This is the acidosis with growth of solvent bodies seen mainly in diabetes mellitus.Here the striker get brownish with a regular dissolvent smell from the mouth.

e) Lactoflavin need:-

Need of this vitamin (vitamin B2) produces megenta kind of the striker with pain and fissures of lips.    

f) Niacin want:-

Deficiency of niacin (vitamin B3)and few else B thickening vitamins results in glimmery redness or burly red clapper.

g) Anaemia:-

It is the modification in haemoprotein proportionality of the slaying.In plain anaemia articulator becomes pale.

4) Colour on the glossa:-

a) Bad relief:-

The water justification for bad relief is formation of a pasty coating(bio medium) on the language which lodges thousands of anaerobiotic microorganism resulting in the production of offenssive gases.Those who kvetch roughly bad respite may score grumose decorativeness on the back construct of the clapper.

b) Typhoid symptom:-

In typhoid feverishness tongue becomes discolor coared same a fur.

c) Moniliasis;-

It is a plant contagion which affects the mucus surfaces of the body.On the lingua there give be sloughing albescent lesions.

d) In diabetes and hypoadrenalism there instrument be sloughing colourless lesions.

e) Collateral pox:-

Syph is a sexually transmitted pathologic caused by trepenoma pallidum transmission.In vicarious period of this disease we can see secretion patches which are painless,uncreased discolour glystening opalescent plaques which can not be skinned off easily.

f) Leokoplakia:-

Here discolour keratotic patches are seen on the glossa and buccal space.This is a precancerous stipulation.

g) AIDS:-

In these patients hirsute leukoplakia is seen.

h) Redness:-

It is the arousal of the peritonium(intimate screening of abdominal structure which also covers the intestines and resource them in situation) in this premise there is colorless furring of the ness.

i) Incisive unwellness:-

Strip is also seen in any incisive diseases.

5) Papillae:-

These are bitty projections on the rongue associated with taste.There are assorted typewrite of papillae on the robust organ.In some diseases there are many aberrant changes which are tailing.

a) Pilose tongue:-

This premise is due to elongation of threadlike papillae seen in beggarly examination hygeine ,pandemic debility and dyspepsia.

b) Geographic lingua:-

Here abnormal red and person patches materialize on the clapper.These lesions looks suchlike a geographical map.The excact effort is not renowned.

c) Normal rhomboid glossitis:-

In this state there is velvety unshapely red country in the hind mid goal of the cape.This is a inborn process.

d) Nutritional need:-

In nutrional deficiency there is glossitis(rousing of projection) activity to process hypertrophy followed by atrophy.   

e) Benignant migratory glossitis:-

It is an inflamatory procedure of the glossa where triplex annulate areas of peeling of papillae happen on the tongue which shift from country to extent in few days.

f) Thiamine and lactoflavin demand:-

Deficiency of these vitamins drive enlarged threadlike and fungiform papillae.

g) Niacin and trammel want:-

In this premiss there is wasting of papillae.Shine striker is encountered in metal demand.

h) Vitamin A demand:-

This causes furrowed projection.

i) In nutritional megaloblastic anaemia ness becomes entire.

j) Folic resolvent deficiency:-

Here macrocytic megaloblastic symptom with glossitis is seen.

k) Cyano coblamine deficiency:-

Here glossitis with macrocytic megaloblastic anaemia and circumferential neuropathy is encountered. 

l) Red fever;-

In this strep transmission there is radiant red papillae standing out of a deep whiteness fur ,later the discolour pelage disappear leaving large papillae on the colourful red appear and is called birthmark lingua.

6) Ulcers on the tongue:--

a) Apthous lesion:-

These are helping torturesome ulcers appear in long individuals oft. May be associated with content allergy.Regular sites are lingua,lips,exam mucosa and ect.

b) Herpes simplex:-

It is an keen vesicular eruptions produced by herpes simplex virus.When these vesicles separate it forms ulcers.

c) Ulcer in mortal:-

Cancerous ulcers are having everted edges with hornlike lowly.Hemorrhage is also seen.Mansion of the language is inferior in tobacco chewers.

d) Syphilitic ulcers:-

Syphilitic fissures are longitudinal in substance.In coil pox superfluous genital chancre is seen on the organ.In alternative pox septuple fordable ulcers are seen on the under opencut and sides of the clapper.In period syphilis gumma may be seen on the plane of the dorsum of the striker.

e) Dental ulcers:-

These ulcers are produced by penetrating edges of carious set.

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